Module: rtclite.std.ietf.rfc3550
# Copyright (c) 2007, Kundan Singh. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for details.
This file implements RFC3550 (RTP)
''' This module implements the real-time transport protocol (RTP) and companion real-time transport control protocol (RTCP) based on RFC 3550. The RTP and RTCP classes define the packet format for RTP and RTCP. The Session class defines the control behavior for an RTP session. The Source class represents a member or source. The Network class abstracts out the network behavior such as pair of sockets. '''
From RFC3550 p.1
   This memorandum describes RTP, the real-time transport protocol.  RTP
   provides end-to-end network transport functions suitable for
   applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio, video or
   simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services.  RTP
   does not address resource reservation and does not guarantee
   quality-of-service for real-time services.  The data transport is
   augmented by a control protocol (RTCP) to allow monitoring of the
   data delivery in a manner scalable to large multicast networks, and
   to provide minimal control and identification functionality.  RTP and
   RTCP are designed to be independent of the underlying transport and
   network layers.  The protocol supports the use of RTP-level
   translators and mixers.

   Most of the text in this memorandum is identical to RFC 1889 which it
   obsoletes.  There are no changes in the packet formats on the wire,
   only changes to the rules and algorithms governing how the protocol
   is used.  The biggest change is an enhancement to the scalable timer
   algorithm for calculating when to send RTCP packets in order to
   minimize transmission in excess of the intended rate when many
   participants join a session simultaneously.
import os, sys, struct, random, math, time, socket, traceback, logging from ...common import getlocaladdr from ... import multitask logger = logging.getLogger('rfc3550') _padding = False # whether outbound RTP header contains padding or not? ''' return the data as list string representing binary form of the characted in data. >>> print binstr('\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07') 00000001000000100000001100000100 000001010000011000000111-------- ''' #binary = lambda a, s=1: [''.join([('1' if (ord(x) & (1<<(7-y))) else '0') for y in range(0, 8)]) for x in a] def binary(data, size=4): all = ''.join([''.join([('1' if (ord(x) & (1<<(7-y))) else '0') for y in range(0, 8)]) for x in data]) result, size = [], size*8 # size to bits while len(all) >= size: result.append(all[:size]) all = all[size:] if len(all)>0: result.append(all + '-'*(size-len(all))) return result binstr = lambda x: '\n'.join(binary(x))
From RFC3550 p.8
   RTP packet: A data packet consisting of the fixed RTP header, a
      possibly empty list of contributing sources (see below), and the
      payload data.  Some underlying protocols may require an
      encapsulation of the RTP packet to be defined.  Typically one
      packet of the underlying protocol contains a single RTP packet,
      but several RTP packets MAY be contained if permitted by the
      encapsulation method (see Section 11).
class RTP(object): '''A RTP packet. >>> p1 = RTP(pt=8, seq=12, ts=13, ssrc=14, csrcs=[15, 16], marker=True, extn=(17, '\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b'), payload='\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e') >>> print ''.join(['%02x'%ord(x) for x in str(p1)]) 9288000c0000000d0000000e0000000f000000100011000118191a1b1c1d1e >>> p2 = RTP(value=str(p1)) >>> print, p2.seq, p2.ts, p2.ssrc, p2.csrcs, p2.marker, p2.extn, repr(p2.payload) 8 12 13 14 [15, 16] True (17, '\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b') '\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e' >>> print '\\n'.join(binary(str(p2))) 10010010100010000000000000001100 00000000000000000000000000001101 00000000000000000000000000001110 00000000000000000000000000001111 00000000000000000000000000010000 00000000000100010000000000000001 00011000000110010001101000011011 000111000001110100011110-------- ''' def __init__(self, value=None, pt=0, seq=0, ts=0, ssrc=0, csrcs=None, marker=False, extn=None, payload=''): '''Construct a RTP packet from individual components: pt a payload type [0, 128), seq a 16 bit unsigned sequence number, ts a 32 bit unsigned timestamp, ssrc a 32 bit source identifier, csrcs a list of 32-bit contributing source identifiers with max size of 15, marker a boolean, extn a tuple of (type, value) for the header extension and payload is the RTP payload data. Alternatively, if value is specified, then construct the RTP packet by parsing the value.''' csrcs = csrcs or [] if not value: # construct using components., self.seq, self.ts, self.ssrc, self.csrcs, self.marker, self.extn, self.payload = \ pt, seq, ts, ssrc, csrcs, marker, extn, payload else: # parse the packet. if len(value) < 12: raise ValueError, 'RTP packet must be at least 12 bytes' if ord(value[0]) & 0xC0 != 0x80: raise ValueError, 'RTP version must be 2' px, mpt, self.seq, self.ts, self.ssrc = struct.unpack('!BBHII', value[:12]) self.marker, = (mpt & 0x80 and True or False), (mpt & 0x7f) self.csrcs, value = ([] if (px & 0x0f == 0) else list(struct.unpack('!'+'I'*(px&0x0f), value[12:12+(px&0x0f)*4]))), value[12+(px & 0x0f)*4:] if px & 0x10: xtype, xlen = struct.unpack('!HH', value[:4]) self.extn, value = (xtype, value[4:4+xlen*4]), value[4+xlen*4:] else: self.extn = None self.payload = value if px & 0x20 == 0 else value[:len(value)-ord(value[-1])] def __repr__(self): global _padding return struct.pack('!BBHII', 0x80 | (_padding and (len(self.payload)%4 != 0) and 0x20 or 0x00) | (self.extn and 0x10 or 0x00) | (len(self.csrcs) > 15 and 15 or len(self.csrcs)), \ ( & 0x7f) | (self.marker and 1 or 0) << 7, (self.seq & 0xffff), self.ts, self.ssrc) \ + ''.join(struct.pack('!I', x) for x in self.csrcs[:16]) \ + ('' if not self.extn else (struct.pack('!HH', self.extn[0] & 0xffff, len(self.extn[1])/4) + self.extn[1])) \ + self.payload \ + ('' if (not _padding or len(self.payload) % 4 == 0) else ('\x00'*(4-len(self.payload)%4-1) + struct.pack('!B', 4-len(self.payload)%4)))
From RFC3550 p.9
   RTCP packet: A control packet consisting of a fixed header part
      similar to that of RTP data packets, followed by structured
      elements that vary depending upon the RTCP packet type.  The
      formats are defined in Section 6.  Typically, multiple RTCP
      packets are sent together as a compound RTCP packet in a single
      packet of the underlying protocol; this is enabled by the length
      field in the fixed header of each RTCP packet.
class RTCP(list): '''A compound RTCP packet is a list of individual RTCP packets. A individual RTCP packet is of type RTCP.packet with attributes or items defined depending on the type of the packet. >>> sr = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.SR, ssrc=1, ntp=2, ts=3, pktcount=4, octcount=5, reports=[], extn=None) >>> r1 = RTCP.packet(ssrc=1, flost=2, clost=3, hseq=4, jitter=5, lsr=6, dlsr=7) >>> r2 = RTCP.packet(ssrc=8, flost=9, clost=10, hseq=11, jitter=12, lsr=13, dlsr=14) >>> rr = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.RR, ssrc=1, reports=[r1, r2]) >>> item1 = (1, [(RTCP.CNAME, ''), (RTCP.NAME, 'Kundan Singh'), (RTCP.EMAIL, ''), (RTCP.PHONE, '9176216392')]) >>> item2 = (2, [(RTCP.CNAME, ''), ]) >>> sdes = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.SDES, items=[item1, item2]) >>> bye = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.BYE, ssrcs=[1,2,3], reason='disconnecting') >>> p1 = RTCP([sr, rr, sdes, bye]) >>> p2 = RTCP(str(p1)) >>> sr, rr, sdes, bye = tuple(p2) >>> print, sr.ssrc, sr.ntp, sr.ts, sr.pktcount, sr.octcount 200 1 2.0 3 4 5 >>> print, rr.ssrc, [(x.ssrc, x.flost, x.clost, x.hseq, x.jitter, x.lsr, x.dlsr) for x in rr.reports] 201 1 [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)] >>> print 202 >>> for item in sdes.items: ... print 'ssrc=', item[0] ... for n,v in item[1]: print '',n,'=',v ssrc= 1 1 = 2 = Kundan Singh 3 = 4 = 9176216392 ssrc= 2 1 = >>> print, bye.ssrcs, bye.reason 203 [1, 2, 3] disconnecting ''' SR, RR, SDES, BYE, APP = range(200, 205) # various packet types CNAME, NAME, EMAIL, PHONE, LOC, TOOL, NOTE, PRIV = range(1, 9) def __init__(self, value=None): # parse the compound RTCP packet. if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: self.append(v) # just append the list of packets return while value and len(value)>0: p = RTCP.packet() # individual RTCP packet px,, plen = struct.unpack('!BBH', value[:4]) if px & 0xC0 != 0x80: raise ValueError, 'RTP version must be 2' if < 200 or >= 205: raise ValueError, 'Not an RTCP packet type %d'%( data, value = value[4:4+plen*4], value[4+plen*4:] # data for this packet, value for next if px & 0x20: data = data[:len(data)-ord(data[-1])] # remove padding if == RTCP.SR or == RTCP.RR: if == RTCP.SR: p.ssrc, ntp1, ntp2, p.ts, p.pktcount, p.octcount = struct.unpack('!IIIIII', data[:24]) p.ntp = ntp2time((ntp1, ntp2)) data = data[24:] else: p.ssrc, = struct.unpack('!I', data[:4]) data = data[4:] p.reports = [] for i in range(px&0x1f): r = RTCP.packet() r.ssrc, lost, r.hseq, r.jitter, r.lsr, r.dlsr = struct.unpack('!IIIIII', data[:24]) r.flost, r.clost = (lost >> 24) & 0x0ff, (lost & 0x0ffffff) p.reports.append(r) data = data[24:] p.extn = data if data else None elif == RTCP.SDES: p.items = [] for i in range(0, px&0x1f): ssrc, = struct.unpack('!I', data[:4]) items = [] data, count = data[4:], 0 while len(data)>0: itype, ilen = struct.unpack('!BB', data[:2]) count += (2 + ilen) ivalue, data = data[2:2+ilen], data[2+ilen:] if itype == 0: break items.append((itype, ivalue)) if count % 4 != 0: data = data[(4-count%4):] # ignore padding for the chunk p.items.append((ssrc, items)) elif == RTCP.BYE: p.ssrcs, p.reason = [], None for i in range(0, px & 0x01f): ssrc, = struct.unpack('!I', data[:4]) p.ssrcs.append(ssrc) data = data[4:] if data and len(data)>0: rlen, = struct.unpack('!B', data[:1]) p.reason = data[1:1+rlen] # no need to ignore padding, it already gets ignored when we use next packet elif == RTCP.APP: p.subtype = px&0x1f p.ssrc, = struct.unpack('!I4s', data[:8]) = data[8:] if not = None else: # just store the raw data p.subtype = px&0x1f = data[4:] self.append(p) def __str__(self): global _padding result = '' for p in self: count, value = 0, '' if == RTCP.SR or == RTCP.RR: if == RTCP.SR: ntp1, ntp2 = time2ntp(p.ntp) value = struct.pack('!IIIIII', p.ssrc, ntp1, ntp2, p.ts, p.pktcount, p.octcount) else: value = struct.pack('!I', p.ssrc) count = len(p.reports) for r in p.reports: value += struct.pack('!IIIIII', r.ssrc, (r.flost << 24) | (r.clost & 0x0ffffff), r.hseq, r.jitter, r.lsr, r.dlsr) if p.extn: value += p.extn elif == RTCP.SDES: count = len(p.items) for ssrc,items in p.items: chunk = struct.pack('!I', ssrc) for n,v in items: chunk += struct.pack('!BB', n, len(v)>255 and 255 or len(v)) + v[:256] chunk += struct.pack('!BB', 0, 0) # to indicate end of items. if len(chunk)%4!=0: chunk += '\x00'*(4-len(chunk)%4) value += chunk elif == RTCP.BYE: count = len(p.ssrcs) for ssrc in p.ssrcs: value += struct.pack('!I', ssrc) if p.reason and len(p.reason)>0: value += struct.pack('!B', len(p.reason)>255 and 255 or len(p.reason)) + p.reason[:256] elif == RTCP.APP: count = p.subtype value += struct.pack('!I4s', p.ssrc, + ( if else '') else: # just add the raw data count = p.subtype value += length = len(value)/4 + (1 if len(value)%4 != 0 else 0) result += struct.pack('!BBH', 0x80 | (_padding and len(value)%4 != 0 and 0x20 or 0x00) | (count & 0x1f),, length) \ + value + ('' if (not _padding or len(value) % 4 == 0) else ('\x00'*(4-len(value)%4-1) + struct.pack('!B', 4-len(value)%4))) # TODO: we do padding in each packet, instead of only in last. return result class packet(object): '''A generic class for individual packet or report. It exposes both container and attribute interface.''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): for n,v in kwargs.items(): self[n] = v # attribute access: use container if not found def __getattr__(self, name): return self.__getitem__(name) # container access: use key in __dict__ def __getitem__(self, name): return self.__dict__.get(name, None) def __setitem__(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.__dict__ # following definitions are borrowed from RFC 3550 RTP_SEQ_MOD = (1<<16) MAX_DROPOUT = 3000 MAX_MISORDER = 100 MIN_SEQUENTIAL = 2
From RFC3550 p.78
    * Per-source state information
   typedef struct {
       u_int16 max_seq;        /* highest seq. number seen */
       u_int32 cycles;         /* shifted count of seq. number cycles */
       u_int32 base_seq;       /* base seq number */
       u_int32 bad_seq;        /* last 'bad' seq number + 1 */
       u_int32 probation;      /* sequ. packets till source is valid */
       u_int32 received;       /* packets received */
       u_int32 expected_prior; /* packet expected at last interval */
       u_int32 received_prior; /* packet received at last interval */
       u_int32 transit;        /* relative trans time for prev pkt */
       u_int32 jitter;         /* estimated jitter */
       /* ... */
   } source;
class Source(object): '''A source in a RTP-based Session. This is used to represent both the local member as well as the remote members. The SSRC and SDES's CNAME must be unique in a session. ''' def __init__(self, ssrc, items=[], address=None): '''Create a new member for the given SSRC. >>> m = Source(1, [(RTCP.CNAME, ''), (RTCP.NAME, 'Kundan Singh')], ('', 8000)) >>> print m <Source ssrc=1 items=[(1, ''), (2, 'Kundan Singh')] address=('', 8000) lost=0 fraction=0 pktcount=0 octcount=0 maxseq=0 badseq=0 cycles=0 baseseq=0 probation=0 received=0 expectedprior=0 receivedprior=0 transit=0 jitter=0 lastts=None lastntp=None rtcpdelay=None> ''' self.ssrc, self.items, self.address = ssrc, items, address self.lost = self.fraction = self.pktcount = self.octcount = self.timeout = 0 self.maxseq = self.badseq = self.cycles = self.baseseq = self.probation = self.received = self.expectedprior = self.receivedprior = self.transit = self.jitter = 0 # based on RFC 3550's source structure self.lastts = self.lastntp = self.rtcpdelay = None def __repr__(self): props = ('ssrc', 'items', 'address', 'lost', 'fraction', 'pktcount', 'octcount', \ 'maxseq', 'badseq', 'cycles', 'baseseq', 'probation', 'received', \ 'expectedprior', 'receivedprior', 'transit', 'jitter', 'lastts', \ 'lastntp', 'rtcpdelay') return ('<Source ' + ' '.join([p+'=%r' for p in props]) + '>')%tuple([(eval('self.%s'%p)) for p in props])
From RFC3550 p.80
   void init_seq(source *s, u_int16 seq)
       s->base_seq = seq;
       s->max_seq = seq;
       s->bad_seq = RTP_SEQ_MOD + 1;   /* so seq == bad_seq is false */
       s->cycles = 0;
       s->received = 0;
       s->received_prior = 0;
       s->expected_prior = 0;
       /* other initialization */
def initseq(self, seq): '''Initialize the seq using the newly received seq of RTP packet. >>> print Source(ssrc=1).initseq(10) <Source ssrc=1 items=[] address=None lost=0 fraction=0 pktcount=0 octcount=0 maxseq=10 badseq=9 cycles=0 baseseq=10 probation=0 received=0 expectedprior=0 receivedprior=0 transit=0 jitter=0 lastts=None lastntp=None rtcpdelay=None> ''' self.baseseq = self.maxseq = seq self.badseq = seq - 1 self.cycles = self.received = self.receivedprior = self.expectedprior = 0 return self
From RFC3550 p.79
   When a new source is heard for the first time, that is, its SSRC
   identifier is not in the table (see Section 8.2), and the per-source
   state is allocated for it, s->probation is set to the number of
   sequential packets required before declaring a source valid
   (parameter MIN_SEQUENTIAL) and other variables are initialized:

      init_seq(s, seq);
      s->max_seq = seq - 1;
      s->probation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL;

   A non-zero s->probation marks the source as not yet valid so the
   state may be discarded after a short timeout rather than a long one,
   as discussed in Section 6.2.1.
def newfound(self, seq): '''Indicate that this source is newly found and added to members table. >>> print Source(ssrc=1).newfound(10) <Source ssrc=1 items=[] address=None lost=0 fraction=0 pktcount=0 octcount=0 maxseq=9 badseq=9 cycles=0 baseseq=10 probation=2 received=0 expectedprior=0 receivedprior=0 transit=0 jitter=0 lastts=None lastntp=None rtcpdelay=None> ''' self.initseq(seq) self.maxseq, self.probation = seq-1, MIN_SEQUENTIAL return self # return so that methods can be nested
From RFC3550 p.80
   int update_seq(source *s, u_int16 seq)
       u_int16 udelta = seq - s->max_seq;
       const int MAX_DROPOUT = 3000;
       const int MAX_MISORDER = 100;
       const int MIN_SEQUENTIAL = 2;

        * Source is not valid until MIN_SEQUENTIAL packets with
        * sequential sequence numbers have been received.
       if (s->probation) {
           /* packet is in sequence */
           if (seq == s->max_seq + 1) {
               s->max_seq = seq;
               if (s->probation == 0) {
                   init_seq(s, seq);
                   return 1;
           } else {
               s->probation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL - 1;
               s->max_seq = seq;
           return 0;
       } else if (udelta < MAX_DROPOUT) {
           /* in order, with permissible gap */
           if (seq < s->max_seq) {
                * Sequence number wrapped - count another 64K cycle.
               s->cycles += RTP_SEQ_MOD;
           s->max_seq = seq;
       } else if (udelta <= RTP_SEQ_MOD - MAX_MISORDER) {
           /* the sequence number made a very large jump */
           if (seq == s->bad_seq) {
                * Two sequential packets -- assume that the other side
                * restarted without telling us so just re-sync
                * (i.e., pretend this was the first packet).
               init_seq(s, seq);
           else {
               s->bad_seq = (seq + 1) & (RTP_SEQ_MOD-1);
               return 0;
       } else {
           /* duplicate or reordered packet */
       return 1;
def updateseq(self, seq): '''Update the source properties based on received RTP packet's seq. >>> print Source(1).newfound(10).updateseq(12).updateseq(13) # simulate loss of 11 <Source ssrc=1 items=[] address=None lost=0 fraction=0 pktcount=0 octcount=0 maxseq=13 badseq=12 cycles=0 baseseq=13 probation=0 received=1 expectedprior=0 receivedprior=0 transit=0 jitter=0 lastts=None lastntp=None rtcpdelay=None> ''' udelta = seq - self.maxseq if self.probation > 0: if seq == self.maxseq+1: self.probation, self.maxseq = self.probation - 1, seq if self.probation == 0: self.initseq(seq) self.received = self.received + 1 return self # True else: self.probation, self.maxseq = MIN_SEQUENTIAL-1, seq # at least next one packet should be in sequence return self # False elif udelta < MAX_DROPOUT: # in order, with permissible gap if seq < self.maxseq: self.cycles += RTP_SEQ_MOD self.maxseq = seq elif udelta <= RTP_SEQ_MOD - MAX_MISORDER: # the seq made a very large jump if seq == self.badseq: self.initseq(seq) # probably the other side reset the seq else: self.badseq = (seq + 1) & (RTP_SEQ_MOD-1) return self # False self.received = self.received + 1 return self # True
From RFC3550 p.94
A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter

   The code fragments below implement the algorithm given in Section
   6.4.1 for calculating an estimate of the statistical variance of the
   RTP data interarrival time to be inserted in the interarrival jitter
   field of reception reports.  The inputs are r->ts, the timestamp from
   the incoming packet, and arrival, the current time in the same units.
   Here s points to state for the source; s->transit holds the relative
   transit time for the previous packet, and s->jitter holds the
   estimated jitter.  The jitter field of the reception report is
   measured in timestamp units and expressed as an unsigned integer, but
   the jitter estimate is kept in a floating point.  As each data packet
   arrives, the jitter estimate is updated:

      int transit = arrival - r->ts;
      int d = transit - s->transit;
      s->transit = transit;
      if (d < 0) d = -d;
      s->jitter += (1./16.) * ((double)d - s->jitter);

   When a reception report block (to which rr points) is generated for
   this member, the current jitter estimate is returned:

      rr->jitter = (u_int32) s->jitter;

   Alternatively, the jitter estimate can be kept as an integer, but
   scaled to reduce round-off error.  The calculation is the same except
   for the last line:

      s->jitter += d - ((s->jitter + 8) >> 4);

   In this case, the estimate is sampled for the reception report as:

      rr->jitter = s->jitter >> 4;
def updatejitter(self, ts, arrival): '''Update the jitter based on ts and arrival (in ts units). >>> s = Source(1).newfound(10).updatejitter(1000, 0).updatejitter(1160, 160).updatejitter(1330, 320) >>> print s.transit, int(s.jitter) -1010 55 ''' transit = int(arrival - ts) d, self.transit = int(math.fabs(transit - self.transit)), transit self.jitter += (1/16.) * (d-self.jitter) return self
From RFC3550 p.83
A.3 Determining Number of Packets Expected and Lost

   In order to compute packet loss rates, the number of RTP packets
   expected and actually received from each source needs to be known,
   using per-source state information defined in struct source
   referenced via pointer s in the code below.  The number of packets
   received is simply the count of packets as they arrive, including any
   late or duplicate packets.  The number of packets expected can be
   computed by the receiver as the difference between the highest
   sequence number received (s->max_seq) and the first sequence number
   received (s->base_seq).  Since the sequence number is only 16 bits
   and will wrap around, it is necessary to extend the highest sequence
   number with the (shifted) count of sequence number wraparounds
   (s->cycles).  Both the received packet count and the count of cycles
   are maintained the RTP header validity check routine in Appendix A.1.

      extended_max = s->cycles + s->max_seq;
      expected = extended_max - s->base_seq + 1;

   The number of packets lost is defined to be the number of packets
   expected less the number of packets actually received:

      lost = expected - s->received;

   Since this signed number is carried in 24 bits, it should be clamped
   at 0x7fffff for positive loss or 0x800000 for negative loss rather
   than wrapping around.

   The fraction of packets lost during the last reporting interval
   (since the previous SR or RR packet was sent) is calculated from
   differences in the expected and received packet counts across the
   interval, where expected_prior and received_prior are the values
   saved when the previous reception report was generated:

      expected_interval = expected - s->expected_prior;
      s->expected_prior = expected;
      received_interval = s->received - s->received_prior;
      s->received_prior = s->received;
      lost_interval = expected_interval - received_interval;
      if (expected_interval == 0 || lost_interval <= 0) fraction = 0;
      else fraction = (lost_interval << 8) / expected_interval;

   The resulting fraction is an 8-bit fixed point number with the binary
   point at the left edge.
def updatelostandexpected(self): '''Update the number of packets expected and lost. >>> s = Source(1).newfound(10).updateseq(11).updateseq(12).updateseq(14).updatelostandexpected() # similar loss of 13 >>> print s.lost, s.fraction, s.expectedprior, s.receivedprior 1 85 3 2 ''' extendedmax = self.cycles + self.maxseq expected = extendedmax - self.baseseq + 1 self.lost = expected - self.received expectedinterval = expected - self.expectedprior self.expectedprior = expected receivedinterval = self.received - self.receivedprior self.receivedprior = self.received lostinterval = expectedinterval - receivedinterval if expectedinterval == 0 or lostinterval <= 0: self.fraction = 0 else: self.fraction = (lostinterval << 8) / expectedinterval return self def storereport(self, fraction, lost, jitter, delay): self.fraction, self.lost, self.jitter, self.rtcpdelay = fraction, lost, jitter, delay return self def time2ntp(value): '''Convert from time.time() output to NTP (sec, frac). >>> print time2ntp(0.5) (2208988800, 2147483648) ''' value = value + 2208988800 return (int(value), int((value-int(value)) * 4294967296.)) def ntp2time(value): '''Convert from NTP (sec, frac) to time similar to time.time() output. >>> print ntp2time(time2ntp(10.5)) 10.5 ''' return (value[0] + value[1] / 4294967296.) - 2208988800
From RFC3550 p.9
   RTP session: An association among a set of participants
      communicating with RTP.  A participant may be involved in multiple
      RTP sessions at the same time.  In a multimedia session, each
      medium is typically carried in a separate RTP session with its own
      RTCP packets unless the the encoding itself multiplexes multiple
      media into a single data stream.  A participant distinguishes
      multiple RTP sessions by reception of different sessions using
      different pairs of destination transport addresses, where a pair
      of transport addresses comprises one network address plus a pair
      of ports for RTP and RTCP.  All participants in an RTP session may
      share a common destination transport address pair, as in the case
      of IP multicast, or the pairs may be different for each
      participant, as in the case of individual unicast network
      addresses and port pairs.  In the unicast case, a participant may
      receive from all other participants in the session using the same
      pair of ports, or may use a distinct pair of ports for each.

      The distinguishing feature of an RTP session is that each
      maintains a full, separate space of SSRC identifiers (defined
      next).  The set of participants included in one RTP session
      consists of those that can receive an SSRC identifier transmitted
      by any one of the participants either in RTP as the SSRC or a CSRC
      (also defined below) or in RTCP.  For example, consider a three-
      party conference implemented using unicast UDP with each
      participant receiving from the other two on separate port pairs.
      If each participant sends RTCP feedback about data received from
      one other participant only back to that participant, then the
      conference is composed of three separate point-to-point RTP
      sessions.  If each participant provides RTCP feedback about its
      reception of one other participant to both of the other
      participants, then the conference is composed of one multi-party
      RTP session.  The latter case simulates the behavior that would
      occur with IP multicast communication among the three

      The RTP framework allows the variations defined here, but a
      particular control protocol or application design will usually
      impose constraints on these variations.
class Session(object): '''A RTP session.''' def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): '''Start an RTP session for the given network with additional optional keyword arguments such as pt, rate, bandwidth, fraction, member, ssrc, cname, seq0, ts0. @param pt: the optional payload type, default 96. @param rate: the optional sampling rate, default 8000. @param bandwidth: the optional total session bandwidth, default 64000. @param fraction: the optional fraction to use for RTCP, default 0.05. @param member: the optional Source object for this member, default constructs a new. @param ssrc: if member is absent, then optional SSRC for Source, default a random number. @param cname: if member is absent, then optional CNAME for Source, default is ssrc@hostname. @param seq0: the optional initial sequence number, default a random number. @param ts0: the optional initial timestamp, default a random number. ''',,, self.rate, self.bandwidth, self.fraction, self.member = \ app, None, kwargs.get('pt', 96), kwargs.get('rate', 8000), kwargs.get('bandwidth', 64000), kwargs.get('fraction', 0.05), kwargs.get('member', None) if not self.member: ssrc = kwargs.get('ssrc', random.randint(0, 2**32)) cname = kwargs.get('cname', '%d@%s'%(ssrc, getlocaladdr())) self.member = Source(ssrc=ssrc, items=[(RTCP.CNAME, cname)]) self.seq0, self.ts0 = kwargs.get('seq0', self.randint(0, 2**16)), kwargs.get('ts0', self.randint(0, 2**32)) self.seq = self.ts = self.ts1 = 0 # recent seq and ts. ts1 is base time. self.ntp = self.ntp1 = # recent NTP time and base time. self.rtpsent = self.rtcpsent = self.byesent = self.running = False
From RFC3550 p.29
   To execute these rules, a session participant must maintain several
   pieces of state:

   tp: the last time an RTCP packet was transmitted;

   tc: the current time;

   tn: the next scheduled transmission time of an RTCP packet;

   pmembers: the estimated number of session members at the time tn
      was last recomputed;

   members: the most current estimate for the number of session

   senders: the most current estimate for the number of senders in
      the session;

   rtcp_bw: The target RTCP bandwidth, i.e., the total bandwidth
      that will be used for RTCP packets by all members of this session,
      in octets per second.  This will be a specified fraction of the
      "session bandwidth" parameter supplied to the application at

   we_sent: Flag that is true if the application has sent data
      since the 2nd previous RTCP report was transmitted.

   avg_rtcp_size: The average compound RTCP packet size, in octets,
      over all RTCP packets sent and received by this participant.  The
      size includes lower-layer transport and network protocol headers
      (e.g., UDP and IP) as explained in Section 6.2.

   initial: Flag that is true if the application has not yet sent
      an RTCP packet. = = 0 # tp=last RTCP transmit time, tc=current time, tn=next RTCP scheduled time self.members, self.senders = dict(), dict() # TODO: this should be a smart set+map data structure self.pmembers = 0 self.rtcpbw = self.bandwidth*self.fraction self.wesent, self.initial, self.avgrtcpsize = False, True, 200 def randint(self, low=0, high=0x100000000): '''Return a random number between [low, high).''' return random.randint(low, high) # TODO: use the algorithm defined in RFC to implement this instead of using random @property def tc(self): '''The current time property in double.''' return time.time() @property def tsnow(self): '''The current RTP timestamp in ts unit based on current time.''' if self.ntp != self.ntp1: return int(self.ts + ( - self.ntp)*((self.ts - self.ts1) / (self.ntp - self.ntp1))) & 0xffffffff else: return int(self.ts) & 0xffffffff def start(self): '''Start the session, starts sending RTCP and RTP, as well as receiving them.''' if self.running: return # already running, don't run again. self.senders.clear(); self.members.clear(); # add ourself in members. self.pmembers = 1 self.members[self.member.ssrc] = self.member self.wesent = self.rtcpsent = False delay = self.rtcpinterval(True) # compute first RTCP interval, =, + delay if hasattr(, 'createTimer') and callable( self.timer = timer = # schedule a timer to send RTCP timer.start(delay*1000) else: # ignore RTCP sending if timer is not created self.timer = None logger.debug('exception in creating the timer.') self.running = True if hasattr(, 'starting') and callable( # ignore if starting() is not defined def stop(self, reason=''): '''Stop or close the session, hence stops sending or receiving packets.''' if not self.running: return # not running already. Don't bother. self.sendBYE(reason=reason) self.members.clear() self.senders.clear() self.pmembers = 0 if self.timer: self.timer.stop() self.timer = None self.running = False if hasattr(, 'stopping') and callable( # ignore if stopping is not defined = None def send(self, payload='', ts=0, marker=False, pt=None): '''Send a RTP packet using the given payload, timestamp and marker.''' member = self.member member.pktcount = member.pktcount + 1 member.octcount = member.octcount + len(payload) self.ts, self.ntp = ts, if self.ts1 == 0: self.ts1 = ts self.rtpsent = self.wesent = True if pt is None: pt = pkt = RTP(pt=pt, marker=marker, seq=self.seq0+self.seq, ts=(self.ts0+ts) & 0xffffffff, ssrc=member.ssrc, payload=payload) data = str(pkt) if is not None: # TODO: not a generator, multitask.add( # invoke app or net to send the packet elif hasattr(, 'sendRTP') and callable(, data) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTP') self.seq = self.seq + 1 def receivedRTP(self, data, src, dest): '''Received an RTP packet on the network. Process it and invoke app.received() callback''' p = RTP(data)
From RFC3550 p.31
6.3.3 Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet

   When an RTP or RTCP packet is received from a participant whose SSRC
   is not in the member table, the SSRC is added to the table, and the
   value for members is updated once the participant has been validated
   as described in Section 6.2.1.  The same processing occurs for each
   CSRC in a validated RTP packet.

   When an RTP packet is received from a participant whose SSRC is not
   in the sender table, the SSRC is added to the table, and the value
   for senders is updated.

   For each compound RTCP packet received, the value of avg_rtcp_size is

      avg_rtcp_size = (1/16) * packet_size + (15/16) * avg_rtcp_size

   where packet_size is the size of the RTCP packet just received.
member = None if p.ssrc not in self.members and self.running: member = self.members[p.ssrc] = Source(ssrc=p.ssrc).newfound(p.seq) elif self.running: member = self.members[p.ssrc] if p.ssrc not in self.senders and self.running: self.senders[p.ssrc] = self.members[p.ssrc] if member: member.received = member.received + 1 member.timeout = 0 member.address = src member.updateseq(p.seq) member.updatejitter(p.ts, self.tsnow) if hasattr(, 'received') and callable(, p) else: logger.debug('ignoring received RTP') def receivedRTCP(self, data, src, dest): '''Received an RTCP packet on network. Process it locally.''' for p in RTCP(data): # for each individual packet
From RFC3550 p.92
   void OnReceive(packet p,
                  event e,
                  int *members,
                  int *pmembers,
                  int *senders,
                  double *avg_rtcp_size,
                  double *tp,
                  double tc,
                  double tn)
       /* What we do depends on whether we have left the group, and are
        * waiting to send a BYE (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) or an RTCP
        * report.  p represents the packet that was just received.  */

       if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_RTCP_REPORT) {
           if (NewMember(p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) {
               *members += 1;
           *avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*ReceivedPacketSize(p) +
       } else if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_RTP) {
           if (NewMember(p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) {
               *members += 1;
           if (NewSender(p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) {
               *senders += 1;
       } else if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_BYE) {
           *avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*ReceivedPacketSize(p) +

           if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT) {
               if (NewSender(p) == FALSE) {
                   *senders -= 1;

               if (NewMember(p) == FALSE) {
                   *members -= 1;

               if (*members < *pmembers) {
                   tn = tc +
                       (((double) *members)/(*pmembers))*(tn - tc);
                   *tp = tc -
                       (((double) *members)/(*pmembers))*(tc - *tp);

                   /* Reschedule the next report for time tn */

                   Reschedule(tn, e);
                   *pmembers = *members;

           } else if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) {
               *members += 1;
if == RTCP.SR or == RTCP.RR: if p.ssrc not in self.members and self.running: self.members[p.ssrc] = Source(ssrc=p.ssrc) member = self.members[p.ssrc] # identify the member if == RTCP.SR: member.lastts = p.ts member.lastntp = p.ntp member.timeout = 0 for r in p.reports: if r.ssrc == self.member.ssrc: self.member.storereport(r.flost, r.clost, r.jitter, r.dlsr/65536.) break elif == RTCP.SDES: for ssrc,items in p.items: if ssrc not in self.members: member = self.members[ssrc] = Source(ssrc=ssrc) else: member = self.members[ssrc] member.items = items # override previous items list
From RFC3550 p.31
6.3.4 Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet

   Except as described in Section 6.3.7 for the case when an RTCP BYE is
   to be transmitted, if the received packet is an RTCP BYE packet, the
   SSRC is checked against the member table.  If present, the entry is
   removed from the table, and the value for members is updated.  The
   SSRC is then checked against the sender table.  If present, the entry
   is removed from the table, and the value for senders is updated.

   Furthermore, to make the transmission rate of RTCP packets more
   adaptive to changes in group membership, the following "reverse
   reconsideration" algorithm SHOULD be executed when a BYE packet is
   received that reduces members to a value less than pmembers:

   o  The value for tn is updated according to the following formula:

         tn = tc + (members/pmembers) * (tn - tc)

   o  The value for tp is updated according the following formula:

         tp = tc - (members/pmembers) * (tc - tp).

   o  The next RTCP packet is rescheduled for transmission at time tn,
      which is now earlier.

   o  The value of pmembers is set equal to members.

   This algorithm does not prevent the group size estimate from
   incorrectly dropping to zero for a short time due to premature
   timeouts when most participants of a large session leave at once but
   some remain.  The algorithm does make the estimate return to the
   correct value more rapidly.  This situation is unusual enough and the
   consequences are sufficiently harmless that this problem is deemed
   only a secondary concern.
elif == RTCP.BYE: for ssrc in p.ssrcs: if ssrc in self.members: del self.members[ssrc] if ssrc in self.senders: del self.senders[ssrc] if self.running: if self.timer: self.timer.stop() = + (len(self.members)/self.pmembers) * ( = - (len(self.members)/self.pmembers) * ( if self.timer: self.timer.start(( - * 1000) self.pmembers = len(self.members)
From RFC3550 p.31
   For each compound RTCP packet received, the value of avg_rtcp_size is

      avg_rtcp_size = (1/16) * packet_size + (15/16) * avg_rtcp_size

   where packet_size is the size of the RTCP packet just received.
self.avgrtcpsize = (1/16.)*len(data) + (15/16.)*self.avgrtcpsize
From RFC3550 p.29
6.3.1 Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval

   To maintain scalability, the average interval between packets from a
   session participant should scale with the group size.  This interval
   is called the calculated interval.  It is obtained by combining a
   number of the pieces of state described above.  The calculated
   interval T is then determined as follows:

   1. If the number of senders is less than or equal to 25% of the
      membership (members), the interval depends on whether the
      participant is a sender or not (based on the value of we_sent).
      If the participant is a sender (we_sent true), the constant C is
      set to the average RTCP packet size (avg_rtcp_size) divided by 25%
      of the RTCP bandwidth (rtcp_bw), and the constant n is set to the
      number of senders.  If we_sent is not true, the constant C is set
      to the average RTCP packet size divided by 75% of the RTCP
      bandwidth.  The constant n is set to the number of receivers
      (members - senders).  If the number of senders is greater than
      25%, senders and receivers are treated together.  The constant C
      is set to the average RTCP packet size divided by the total RTCP
      bandwidth and n is set to the total number of members.  As stated
      in Section 6.2, an RTP profile MAY specify that the RTCP bandwidth
      may be explicitly defined by two separate parameters (call them S
      and R) for those participants which are senders and those which
      are not.  In that case, the 25% fraction becomes S/(S+R) and the
      75% fraction becomes R/(S+R).  Note that if R is zero, the
      percentage of senders is never greater than S/(S+R), and the
      implementation must avoid division by zero.

   2. If the participant has not yet sent an RTCP packet (the variable
      initial is true), the constant Tmin is set to 2.5 seconds, else it
      is set to 5 seconds.

   3. The deterministic calculated interval Td is set to max(Tmin, n*C).

   4. The calculated interval T is set to a number uniformly distributed
      between 0.5 and 1.5 times the deterministic calculated interval.

   5. The resulting value of T is divided by e-3/2=1.21828 to compensate
      for the fact that the timer reconsideration algorithm converges to
      a value of the RTCP bandwidth below the intended average.

   This procedure results in an interval which is random, but which, on
   average, gives at least 25% of the RTCP bandwidth to senders and the
   rest to receivers.  If the senders constitute more than one quarter
   of the membership, this procedure splits the bandwidth equally among
   all participants, on average.
def rtcpinterval(self, initial=False): if len(self.senders) < 0.25*len(self.members): if self.wesent: C, n = self.avgrtcpsize / (0.25*self.rtcpbw), len(self.senders) else: C, n = self.avgrtcpsize / (0.75*self.rtcpbw), len(self.members) - len(self.senders) else: C, n = self.avgrtcpsize / self.rtcpbw, len(self.members) return (min(initial and 2.5 or 5.0, n*C)) * (random.random() + 0.5) / 1.21828
From RFC3550 p.90
   void OnExpire(event e,
                 int    members,
                 int    senders,
                 double rtcp_bw,
                 int    we_sent,
                 double *avg_rtcp_size,
                 int    *initial,
                 time_tp   tc,
                 time_tp   *tp,
                 int    *pmembers)
       /* This function is responsible for deciding whether to send an
        * RTCP report or BYE packet now, or to reschedule transmission.
        * It is also responsible for updating the pmembers, initial, tp,
        * and avg_rtcp_size state variables.  This function should be
        * called upon expiration of the event timer used by Schedule().

       double t;     /* Interval */
       double tn;    /* Next transmit time */

       /* In the case of a BYE, we use "timer reconsideration" to
        * reschedule the transmission of the BYE if necessary */

       if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) {
           t = rtcp_interval(members,
           tn = *tp + t;
           if (tn <= tc) {
           } else {
               Schedule(tn, e);

       } else if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT) {
           t = rtcp_interval(members,
           tn = *tp + t;
           if (tn <= tc) {
               *avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*SentPacketSize(e) +
               *tp = tc;

               /* We must redraw the interval.  Don't reuse the
                  one computed above, since its not actually
                  distributed the same, as we are conditioned
                  on it being small enough to cause a packet to
                  be sent */

               t = rtcp_interval(members,

               *initial = 0;
           } else {
               Schedule(tn, e);
           *pmembers = members;
def timedout(self, timer): '''Timeout invoked to send out an RTCP.''' if not self.running: # need to send BYE delay = self.rtcpinterval() = + delay if <= self.sendBYE() else: self.timer.start(( - * 1000) else: # need to send report delay = self.rtcpinterval() = + delay if <= size = self.sendRTCP() self.avgrtcpsize = (1/16.)*size + (15/16.)*self.avgrtcpsize = delay = self.rtcpinterval() self.initial = False else: delay = - self.pmembers = len(self.members) self.timer.start(delay*1000) # restart the timer def sendBYE(self, reason=''): if self.rtpsent and self.rtcpsent: self.sendRTCP(True) def sendRTCP(self, sendbye=False): '''Send a RTCP packet with SR or RR and SDES, and optionally BYE if sendbye is True. It returns the size of the packet sent.''' reports = [] toremove = [] for member in self.members.values(): if member.received > 0: ntp1, ntp2 = time2ntp(member.lastntp) lsr = ((ntp1 & 0x0ffff) << 16) | ((ntp2 >> 16) & 0x0ffff) dlsr = int(( - member.lastntp)*65536) member.updatelostandexpected() report = RTCP.packet(ssrc=member.ssrc, flost=member.fraction, clost=member.lost, hseq=member.cycles+member.maxseq, jitter=int(member.jitter), lsr=lsr, dlsr=dlsr) reports.append(report) member.received = 0 if member.timeout == 5: # if no packet within five RTCP intervals toremove.append(member.ssrc) # schedule it to be removed else: member.timeout = member.timeout + 1 if toremove: # remove all timedout members for ssrc in toremove: del self.members[ssrc] packet = RTCP() if self.wesent: # add a sender report p = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.SR,, ts=self.tsnow+self.ts0, pktcount=self.member.pktcount, octcount=self.member.octcount, reports=reports[:32]) self.wesent = False else: p = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.RR, reports=reports[:32]) packet.append(p) if len(reports)>=32: # add additional RR if needed reports = reports[32:] while reports: p, reports = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.RR, reports=reports[:32]), reports[32:] packet.append(p) p = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.SDES, items=self.member.items) # add SDES. Should add items only every few packets, except for CNAME which is added in every. packet.append(p) if sendbye: # add a BYE packet as well p = RTCP.packet(pt=RTCP.BYE, ssrcs=[self.member.ssrc]) # Need to add a reason as well packet.append(p) data = str(packet) # format for network data # TODO: calling multitask and no gevent here. if is not None: multitask.add( # invoke app or net to send the packet elif hasattr(, 'sendRTCP') and callable(, data) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTCP') self.rtcpsent = True return len(data) class Network(object): '''A network interface that can be implemented by the application for the session, in case of a simple consecutive (even,odd) UDP ports of RTP and RTCP. The useful properties are src and dest, which are tuple ('ip', port) representing source and destination addresses. There are also srcRTCP and destRTCP properties that explicitly allow setting RTCP ports different from RTP. Once created the src property can not be changed. One way to connect this Network object with Session is to assign as this object, and assign as Session object. This way the Session object invokes this Network's methods (using generator) to send packets, and Network invokes Session's methods to indicate incoming packets.''' def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): '''Initialize the network.''' s1, s2 = self._initialize(app, **kwargs) if s1 and s2: self.rtp, self.rtcp = s1, s2 self._rtpgen = self.receiveRTP(self.rtp) self._rtcpgen = self.receiveRTCP(self.rtcp) multitask.add(self._rtpgen) multitask.add(self._rtcpgen) else: raise ValueError, 'cannot allocate sockets' def _initialize(self, app, **kwargs): = app self.src = kwargs.get('src', ('', 0)) self.dest = kwargs.get('dest', None) self.srcRTCP= kwargs.get('srcRTCP', (self.src[0], self.src[1] and self.src[1]+1 or 0)) self.destRTCP=kwargs.get('destRTCP', None) self.maxsize = kwargs.get('maxsize', 1500) self.rtp = self.rtcp = None if self.src[1] != 0: # specified port try: s1 = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s2 = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) logger.debug('created RTP/RTCP sockets %r %r', s1, s2) s1.bind(self.src) s2.bind(self.srcRTCP) except: logger.exception('failed to bind. closing %r %r', s1, s2) s1.close(); s2.close(); s1 = s2 = None else: retry = kwargs.get('retry', 20) # number of retries to do low = kwargs.get('low', 10000) # the range low-high for picking port number high = kwargs.get('high', 65535) even = kwargs.get('even', True) # means by default use even port for RTP while retry>0: s1 = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s2 = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) logger.debug('created RTP/RTCP sockets(2) %r %r', s1, s2) # don't bind to any (port=0) to avoid collision in RTCP, where some OS will allocate same port for RTP for retries if even: port = random.randint(low, high) & 0x0fffe # should not use high+1? else: port = random.randint(low, high) | 0x00001 try: s1.bind((self.src[0], port)) s2.bind((self.src[0], port+1)) self.src, self.srcRTCP = s1.getsockname(), s2.getsockname() break except: logger.exception('failed to bind. closing(2) %r %r', s1, s2) s1.close(); s2.close(); s1 = s2 = None retry = retry - 1 return (s1, s2) def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): logger.debug('cleaning up sockets %r %r', self.rtp, self.rtcp) if self._rtpgen: self._rtpgen.close(); self._rtpgen = None if self._rtcpgen: self._rtcpgen.close(); self._rtcpgen = None if self.rtp: self.rtp.close(); self.rtp = None if self.rtcp: self.rtcp.close(); self.rtcp = None if = None def receiveRTP(self, sock): try: fd = sock.fileno() while True: data, remote = yield multitask.recvfrom(sock, self.maxsize) if, remote, self.src) except GeneratorExit: pass # terminated except: logger.exception('receive RTP exception') try: os.close(fd) except: pass def receiveRTCP(self, sock): try: fd = sock.fileno() while True: data, remote = yield multitask.recvfrom(sock, self.maxsize) if, remote, self.srcRTCP) except GeneratorExit: pass # terminated except: logger.exception('receive RTCP exception') try: os.close(fd) except: pass def sendRTP(self, data, dest=None): # unline sendRTCP this is not a generator if self.rtp: dest = dest or self.dest if dest and dest[1] > 0 and dest[0] != '': logger.debug('sending RTP %d to %r', len(data), dest) #yield multitask.sendto(self.rtp, data, dest) self.rtp.sendto(data, dest) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTP') def sendRTCP(self, data, dest=None): if self.rtcp: dest = dest or self.destRTCP if dest and dest[1] > 0 and dest[0] != '': logger.debug('sending RTCP %d to %r', len(data), dest) yield multitask.sendto(self.rtcp, data, dest) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTCP') try: import gevent except ImportError: gevent = None class gevent_Network(Network): def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): '''Initialize the network.''' if not gevent: raise ValueError('must have gevent before instantiating gevent_Network') s1, s2 = self._initialize(app, **kwargs) if s1 and s2: self.rtp, self.rtcp = s1, s2 self._rtpgen = gevent.spawn(self.receiveRTP, self.rtp) self._rtcpgen = gevent.spawn(self.receiveRTCP, self.rtcp) else: raise ValueError, 'cannot allocate sockets' # contributed by, p2p-sip/r53 # refactor to add closeRTP and closeRTCP functions. def _closeRTP(self): if self.rtp: self.rtp.close(); self.rtp = None def _closeRTCP(self): if self.rtcp: self.rtcp.close(); self.rtcp = None def close(self): logger.debug('cleaning up sockets %r %r', self.rtp, self.rtcp) # contributed by, p2p-sip/r53 # refactor to check for None, and invoke closeRTP|RTCP if needed if self._rtpgen is not None: status = bool(self._rtpgen) self._rtpgen.kill(); if status is False and self.rtp: #either not scheduled, or already closed self._closeRTP() self._rtpgen = None if self._rtcpgen is not None: status = bool(self._rtcpgen) self._rtcpgen.kill(); if status is False and self.rtcp: #either not scheduled, or already closed self._closeRTCP() self._rtcpgen = None if = None def receiveRTP(self, sock): try: fd = sock.fileno() while True: data, remote = sock.recvfrom(self.maxsize) if, remote, self.src) except gevent.GreenletExit: pass # terminated except: logger.exception('receive RTP exception') # contributed by, p2p-sip/r53 # refactor to add closeRTP and reset rtpgen self._closeRTP() self._rtpgen = None try: os.close(fd) except: pass def receiveRTCP(self, sock): try: fd = sock.fileno() while True: data, remote = sock.recvfrom(self.maxsize) if, remote, self.srcRTCP) except gevent.GreenletExit: pass # terminated except: logger.exception('receive RTCP exception') # contributed by, p2p-sip/r53 # refactor to add closeRTP and reset rtpgen self._closeRTCP() self._rtcpgen = None try: os.close(fd) except: pass def sendRTP(self, data, dest=None): # unline sendRTCP this is not a generator if self.rtp: dest = dest or self.dest if dest and dest[1] > 0 and dest[0] != '': logger.debug('sending RTP %d to %r', len(data), dest) self.rtp.sendto(data, dest) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTP as dest is not set') def sendRTCP(self, data, dest=None): if self.rtcp: dest = dest or self.destRTCP if dest and dest[1] > 0 and dest[0] != '': logger.debug('sending RTCP %d to %r', len(data), dest) self.rtcp.sendto(data, dest) else: logger.debug('ignoring send RTCP as dest is not set') if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()