Module: rtclite.std.ietf.rfc2396
# Copyright (c) 2007, Kundan Singh. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for details.
This file implements RFC2396 (URI)
''' Various forms of addresses such as URI and SIP address. ''' import re, socket, struct def isIPv4(data): '''Check if the data is a dotted decimal IPv4 address or not? >>> isIPv4('') == True True >>> False == isIPv4('10.2.3.a') == isIPv4('10.2.3.a.5') == isIPv4('10.2.3.-2') == isIPv4('') True ''' try: m = socket.inet_aton(data) # alternatively: len(filter(lambda y: int(y) >= 0 and int(y) < 256, data.split('.', 3))) == 4 return True except: return False def isMulticast(data): '''Check if the data is a dotted decimal multicast address or not? >>> isMulticast('') == True True >>> False == isMulticast('') True ''' try: m, = struct.unpack('>I', socket.inet_aton(data)) return ((m & 0xF0000000) == 0xE0000000) # class D: or first four bits as 0111 except: return False def isLocal(data): '''Check if the data is a dotted decimal local interface IP address? >>> isLocal('') == True True >>> False == isLocal('') True ''' return data == '' or data == '::1' def isPrivate(data): '''Check if the data is a dotted decimal private IP address behind a NAT? >>> isPrivate('') == True True >>> False == isPrivate('') True ''' try: # TODO: check for IPv6 a, b, c, d = struct.unpack('>BBBB', socket.inet_aton(data)) return a == 10 or a == 172 and 16 <= b < 32 or a == 192 and b == 168 except: return False class URI(object): '''A URI object with dynamic properties. Attributes and items such as scheme, user, password, host, port, param[name], header[index], give various parts of the URI. >>> print URI('') >>> print URI(';transport=udp;lr?name=value&another=another');lr;transport=udp?name=value&another=another >>> print URI('sip:') sip: >>> print URI("") == URI("sip:Kundan@Example.NET") True >>> print 'empty=', URI() empty= >>> print URI('tel:+1-212-9397063') tel:+1-212-9397063 >>> print URI('sip:kundan@').hostPort ('', 5060) ''' # regular expression for URI syntax. # TODO: need to extend for host portion. _syntax = re.compile('^(?P<scheme>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]*):' # scheme + '(?:(?:(?P<user>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\!\~\*\'\(\)&=\+\$,;\?\/\%]+)' # user + '(?::(?P<password>[^:@;\?]+))?)@)?' # password + '(?:(?:(?P<host>[^;\?:]*)(?::(?P<port>[\d]+))?))' # host, port + '(?:;(?P<params>[^\?]*))?' # parameters + '(?:\?(?P<headers>.*))?$') # headers _syntax_urn = re.compile(r'^(?P<scheme>urn):(?P<host>[^;\?>]+)$') _schemes = ['http', 'sip'] def __init__(self, value=''): '''Construct from a string representation of a URI, or empty''' if value: m = URI._syntax.match(value) if m: self.scheme, self.user, self.password,, self.port, params, headers = m.groups() elif URI._syntax_urn.match(value): m = URI._syntax_urn.match(value) self.scheme, = m.groups() self.user = self.password = self.port = params = headers = None else: raise ValueError, 'Invalid URI(' + value + ')' if self.scheme == 'tel' and self.user is None: self.user, =, None self.port = self.port and int(self.port) or None self.param = dict(map(lambda k: (k[0], k[2] if k[2] else None), map(lambda n: n.partition('='), params.split(';')))) if params else {} self.header = [nv for nv in headers.split('&')] if headers else [] else: self.scheme = self.user = self.password = = self.port = None self.param = {}; self.header = [] def __repr__(self): '''Return a string representation of the URI''' user,host = (self.user, if self.scheme != 'tel' else (None, self.user) return (self.scheme + ':' + ((user + \ ((':'+self.password) if self.password else '') + '@') if user else '') + \ (((host if host else '') + ((':'+str(self.port)) if self.port else '')) if host else '') + \ ((';'+';'.join([(n+'='+v if v is not None else n) for n,v in sorted(self.param.items())])) if len(self.param)>0 else '') + \ (('?'+'&'.join(self.header)) if len(self.header)>0 else '')) if self.scheme and host else ''; def dup(self): '''Duplicate this object.''' return URI(self.__repr__()) def __hash__(self): '''Hash is derived from lower-case string, hence causes case insensitive match''' return hash(str(self).lower()) def __cmp__(self, other): '''Compare two URI objects by comparing their hash values''' return cmp(str(self).lower(), str(other).lower()) @property def hostPort(self): '''Read-only tuple (host, port) for this uri.''' return (, self.port) def _ssecure(self, value): if value and self.scheme in URI._schemes: self.scheme += 's' def _gsecure(self): return True if self.scheme and self.scheme[-1] == 's' and self.scheme[:-1] in URI._schemes else False secure = property(fget=_gsecure, fset=_ssecure) class Address(object): '''An address object has displayName (str) and uri (URI) attributes. The mustQuote property indicates whether the uri portion must be quoted when using a string representation or not. >>> a1 = Address('"Kundan Singh" <>') >>> a2 = Address('Kundan Singh <>') >>> a3 = Address('"Kundan Singh" <> ') >>> a4 = Address('<>') >>> a5 = Address('') >>> print str(a1) == str(a2) and str(a1) == str(a3) and str(a1.uri) == str(a4.uri) and str(a1.uri) == str(a5.uri) True >>> print a1 "Kundan Singh" <> >>> print a1.displayable Kundan Singh ''' # regular expression for Address syntax. # 1. Kundan Singh <> or <> # 2. "Kundan Singh" <> # 3. _syntax = [re.compile('^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_\+\~\ \t]*)<(?P<uri>[^>]+)>'), re.compile('^(?:"(?P<name>[^"]+)")[\ \t]*<(?P<uri>[^>]+)>'), re.compile('^[\ \t]*(?P<name>)(?P<uri>[^;]+)')] def __init__(self, value=None): '''Construct an address from the string representation''' self.displayName = self.uri = None self.wildcard = self.mustQuote = False if value: self.parse(value) def parse(self, value): '''Parse a string representation to an address. Returns number of characters parsed.''' if str(value).startswith('*'): self.wildcard = True return 1; else: for s in Address._syntax: m = s.match(value) if m: self.displayName = m.groups()[0].strip() self.uri = URI(m.groups()[1].strip()) return m.end() def __repr__(self): '''Return a string representation of the address''' return (('"' + self.displayName + '"' + (' ' if self.uri else '')) if self.displayName else '') \ + ((('<' if self.mustQuote or self.displayName else '') \ + repr(self.uri) \ + ('>' if self.mustQuote or self.displayName else '')) if self.uri else '') def dup(self): '''Duplicate this object.''' return Address(self.__repr__()) @property def displayable(self): '''Read-only displayable string representation''' return self.getDisplayable(limit=25) def getDisplayable(self, limit): name = self.displayName or self.uri and self.uri.user or self.uri and or '' return name if len(name)<limit else (name[0:limit-3] + '...') if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()